Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fake Instagrams

One would think that with my adoration of the archaic and anachronistic world I would have been onboard with the whole instragram craze a while ago but truth is I added it to my iPhone and forgot.  However, at work they put up a wall of everyone's instagrams and there was no way I could walk away from artistic expression without a fight so I faked the instagram effect on some of my favorite pictures with Photoshop instead.   
 For some reason these ferns were already white.  It was an odd thing to see.
 Advanced Music building believe it or not.  Looks more at home in my old Pittsburgh neighborhood.
 Mount Mansfield on New Years Day.  The whole snowshoe trip and other truly amazing pictures can be seen here.
 This was at Crane Lake in the Pharaoh wilderness.  One pot rusted, the other fresh from cooking bacon.
 Also from the same trip, we found in our wanderings a lean-to without a roof.
My faithful companion Sal on Hurricane Mountain.  While the winds there are strong one of his ears always curls over his head.  It is his way.

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